Elevate Your Business Management with Robust User Access Control

Welcome to Business Cpu, where we believe in putting you in control. Our mobile app introduces a sophisticated user-based role and permission system, allowing you to manage your business operations with precision and security.

Custom User Roles

Define distinct roles within your organization. Tailor roles to match specific responsibilities, ensuring that each user has the right level of access.

Granular Permissions

Take control of data access with granular permissions. Specify which features, modules, or data each role can view, edit, or manage.

Easy User Management

Effortlessly add, modify, or remove users from your system. Our user management interface simplifies the process of keeping your team's access up to date.

How It Works


Define User Roles

Set up custom roles based on job functions and responsibilities within your business.


Assign Permissions

Specify the level of access for each role. Define permissions for viewing, editing, or managing specific features or data.


User Onboarding

Easily add new users to the system and assign them appropriate roles and permissions during onboarding.

Experience the power of streamlined user management with Business Cpu. Download the app now and take charge of your business's security and efficiency.