Quote Smarter, Close Faster With Business CPU

Tired of spending hours creating quotes? Let Business CPU handle the hard work. Our quotation management tool simplifies the entire process. From creating professional quotes to tracking their progress, we've got you covered. Impress your clients with lightning-fast turnaround times and win more deals.

Focus on building relationships, let us handle the quotes.


Lightning-Fast Quote Creation

Build professional quotes in seconds with our easy-to-use templates. Add products, services, pricing, and discounts effortlessly.

Real-Time Pricing and Calculations

Get accurate pricing instantly with real-time calculations. Avoid errors and ensure profitability.

Quote Approval Workflow

Streamline the approval process with customizable workflows. Get quotes signed off quickly.

Quote Tracking and Analytics

Monitor quote status, follow up with clients, and analyze performance. Make data-driven decisions to improve sales.

Mobile Access

Create and manage quotes on the go with our mobile app. Stay productive wherever you are.

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Manage all your business operations with ease at one place.

Business CPU is available to download from both App Store and Google Play Store.
